Results for 'G. G. Stokes'

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  1.  37
    Parmenides' Refutation of Motion.G. S. Kirk & Michael C. Stokes - 1960 - Phronesis 5 (1):1 - 4.
  2. atural Theology. [REVIEW]G. G. Stokes - 1893 - Ancient Philosophy (Misc) 4:464.
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    Reflections on the NudeThe Invitation in Art.Paul G. Kuntz & Adrian Stokes - 1969 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 28 (1):103.
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  4. Natural Theology. R. A. Duff. [REVIEW]G. G. Stokes - 1892 - International Journal of Ethics 3:256.
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    The correspondence between Sir George Gabriel Stokes and Sir William Thomson, Baron Kelvin of Largs.George Gabriel Stokes - 1990 - New York: Cambridge University Press. Edited by William Thomson Kelvin & David B. Wilson.
    G. G. Stokes and Lord Kelvin helped bring about conceptual and institutional changes that transformed the science of physics. Indeed, they and their Victorian colleagues constituted one of the most significant groups of scientists in the whole history of science. This collection of letters was first published in 1990, and provides, therefore, invaluable insight and information for a period of major historical importance. Stokes and Kelvin corresponded for over fifty years as professors in Cambridge and Glasgow, respectively, thus (...)
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    Logical theory of the imaginary.G. J. Stokes - 1900 - Mind 9 (35):349-355.
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  7. Preferential encoding of behaviorally relevant predictions revealed by EEG.Mark G. Stokes, Nicholas E. Myers, Jonathan Turnbull & Anna C. Nobre - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
  8. The dominance of the visual.Dustin Stokes & Stephen Biggs - 2014 - In Dustin Stokes, Mohan Matthen & Stephen Biggs, Perception and Its Modalities. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
    Vision often dominates other perceptual modalities both at the level of experience and at the level of judgment. In the well-known McGurk effect, for example, one’s auditory experience is consistent with the visual stimuli but not the auditory stimuli, and naïve subjects’ judgments follow their experience. Structurally similar effects occur for other modalities (e.g. rubber hand illusions). Given the robustness of this visual dominance, one might not be surprised that visual imagery often dominates imagery in other modalities. One might be (...)
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  9. (1 other version)Towards a consequentialist understanding of cognitive penetration.Dustin Stokes - 2015 - In A. Raftopoulos & J. Ziembekis, Cognitive Effects on Perception: New Philosophical Perspectives.
    Philosophers of mind and cognitive scientists have recently taken renewed interest in cognitive penetration, in particular, in the cognitive penetration of perceptual experience. The question is whether cognitive states like belief influence perceptual experience in some important way. Since the possible phenomenon is an empirical one, the strategy for analysis has, predictably, proceeded as follows: define the phenomenon and then, definition in hand, interpret various psychological data. However, different theorists offer different and apparently inconsistent definitions. And so in addition to (...)
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  10. Perception and Its Modalities.Dustin Stokes, Mohan Matthen & Stephen Biggs (eds.) - 2014 - New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
    This volume is about the many ways we perceive. Contributors explore the nature of the individual senses, how and what they tell us about the world, and how they interrelate. They consider how the senses extract perceptual content from receptoral information. They consider what kinds of objects we perceive and whether multiple senses ever perceive a single event. They consider how many senses we have, what makes one sense distinct from another, and whether and why distinguishing senses may be useful. (...)
  11. LACOMBE, P. -Esquisse d'un Enseignement basé sur la Psychologie de l'Infant.G. J. Stokes - 1884 - Mind 9:274.
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    (1 other version)On the relation of settlement work to the evils of poverty.J. G. Phelps Stokes - 1901 - International Journal of Ethics 11 (3):340-345.
  13.  47
    Gnosticism and modern pantheism.G. J. Stokes - 1895 - Mind 4 (15):320-333.
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    (1 other version)Natural Theology.G. G. Stokes.Robert A. Duff - 1893 - International Journal of Ethics 3 (2):256-257.
  15.  55
    Natural Theology.G. G. Stokes.Robert A. Duff - 1894 - International Journal of Ethics 5 (1):133-134.
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    Anticipating the Societal Challenges of Nanotechnologies.Diana M. Bowman, Elen Stokes & Michael G. Bennett - 2013 - NanoEthics 7 (1):1-5.
    “In this article we sketch out the landscape for this Special Issue on anticipating and embedding the societal challenge of nanotechnologies. Tools that actors may choose to employ for these processes are articulated, and further explored through the introduction of the seven articles which comprise this Issue. Taken together, these articles create a cogent narrative on the societal challenges posed by nanotechnologies. They are drawn together by three distinct themes, each of which is briefly considered within this context of this (...)
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    Book Review:Natural Theology. G. G. Stokes[REVIEW]Robert A. Duff - 1893 - International Journal of Ethics 3 (2):256.
  18.  20
    Attentional Control in Subclinical Anxiety and Depression: Depression Symptoms Are Associated With Deficits in Target Facilitation, Not Distractor Inhibition.Alexandra C. Pike, Frida A. B. Printzlau, Alexander H. von Lautz, Catherine J. Harmer, Mark G. Stokes & MaryAnn P. Noonan - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    RAYMOND G. STOKES, Constructing Socialism: Technology and Change in East Germany, 1945–1990. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2000. Pp. xi+260. ISBN 0-8018-6391-0. £33.00. [REVIEW]C. A. J. Chilvers - 2002 - British Journal for the History of Science 35 (2):213-250.
  20.  23
    Raymond G. Stokes. Divide and Prosper: The Heirs of I. G. Farben under Allied Authority. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1988. Pp. xiv + 290. ISBN 0-520-06248-5. £24.55. [REVIEW]Peter Morris - 1990 - British Journal for the History of Science 23 (3):370-371.
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    Raymond G. Stokes. Constructing Socialism: Technology and Change in East Germany, 1945–1990. xii + 260 pp., illus., bibl., index.Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2000. $42.50. [REVIEW]Martin Guntau - 2002 - Isis 93 (1):160-161.
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  22. G. J. Stokes, The Objectivity of Truth. [REVIEW]A. Seth - 1884 - Mind 9:443.
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    Divide and Prosper: The Heirs of I. G. Farben under Allied Authority, 1945-1951Raymond G. Stokes.John Gillingham - 1992 - Isis 83 (3):521-522.
  24. Review. Popper: Philosophy, politics and scientific method. G Stokes.Jeffrey Ketland - 2000 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 51 (2):363-369.
  25.  31
    An analytical solution of the stochastic Navier-Stokes system.G. Adomian - 1991 - Foundations of Physics 21 (7):831-843.
    This paper, using the author's decomposition method and recent generalizations, presents algorithms for an analytic solution of the stochastic Navier-Stokes system without linearization, perturbation, discretization, or restrictive assumptions on the nature of stochasticity. The pressure, forces, velocities, and initial/boundary conditions can be stochastic processes and are not limited to white noise. Solutions obtained are physically realistic because of the avoidance of assumptions made purely for mathematical tractability by usual methods. Certain extensions and further generalizations of the decomposition method have (...)
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    Opting for Oil: The Political Economy of Technological Change in the West German Chemical Industry, 1945-1961. Raymond G. Stokes[REVIEW]Geoffrey Bowker - 1996 - Isis 87 (2):392-393.
  27.  50
    Agnes Repplier: Lady of Letters. By George Stewart Stokes[REVIEW]Joseph G. E. Hopkins - 1949 - Renascence 1 (2):56-56.
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    The Century Yearbook 2021.G. Thomas Tanselle - 2022 - Common Knowledge 28 (2):305-306.
    It may seem odd to review a New York social club's yearbook, with its list of members’ addresses and series of committee reports. But such books sometimes contain material of more general interest. The latest one from the Century Association, for example, devotes 250 of its 685 pages to “Century Memorials”—that is, biographical sketches of recently deceased members, written by other members. Among the well-known figures taken up in these eighty-three sketches are the artists Richard Anuszkiewicz and Robert Motherwell; the (...)
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  29. Physically Similar Systems: a history of the concept.Susan G. Sterrett - 2017 - In Magnani Lorenzo & Bertolotti Tommaso Wayne, Springer Handbook of Model-Based Science. Springer. pp. 377-412.
    The concept of similar systems arose in physics, and appears to have originated with Newton in the seventeenth century. This chapter provides a critical history of the concept of physically similar systems, the twentieth century concept into which it developed. The concept was used in the nineteenth century in various fields of engineering, theoretical physics and theoretical and experimental hydrodynamics. In 1914, it was articulated in terms of ideas developed in the eighteenth century and used in nineteenth century mathematics and (...)
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    An Extension of the Double G ′ / G, 1 / G -Expansion Method for Conformable Fractional Differential Equations.Altaf A. Al-Shawba, Farah A. Abdullah, Amirah Azmi & M. Ali Akbar - 2020 - Complexity 2020:1-13.
    The phenomena, molecular path in a liquid or a gas, fluctuating price stoke, fission and fusion, quantum field theory, relativistic wave motion, etc., are modeled through the nonlinear time fractional clannish random Walker’s parabolic equation, nonlinear time fractional SharmaTassoOlver equation, and the nonlinear space-time fractional KleinGordon equation. The fractional derivative is described in the sense of conformable derivative. From there, the G ′ / G, 1 / G -expansion method is found to be ensuing, effective, and capable to provide functional (...)
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    Das Böse, der Teufel und Dämonen =.Jan Dochhorn, Susanne Rudnig-Zelt & Benjamin G. Wold (eds.) - 2016 - Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck.
    Im Zentrum des vorliegenden Sammelbandes steht die Frage nach dem Bösen in Religionen, die als monotheistisch verstanden werden oder für die zumindest die Herrschaft des Hauptgottes über alle anderen Götter und Mächte ein entscheidendes Anliegen ist. Der Schwerpunkt liegt auf dem sich formierenden Judentum und Christentum sowie dem Alten Testament. Besonderes Interesse gilt den Texten aus Qumran, und darüber hinaus erfolgt ein Blick auf mittelalterliche Heiligenlegenden. Die Beiträge des Bandes zeigen, dass es in den antiken jüdischen und christlichen Texte eine (...)
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    Scale models, similitude and dimensions: Aspects of mid-nineteenth-century engineering science.Thomas Wright - 1992 - Annals of Science 49 (3):233-254.
    This paper examines the type of theory used to justify the application of physical scale modelling to the solution of mid-nineteenth century engineering problems. To do this, it discusses three particular examples: the initial Britannia Bridge breaking experiments of E. Hodgkinson, the vibrating railway bridge experiments of R. Willis and G. G. Stokes; and the ship resistance experiments of W. Froude. The theory invoked in these case histories is viewed against the background of the response of the contemporary engineering (...)
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  33. Do gestalt effects show that we perceive high-level aesthetic properties?Raamy Majeed - 2018 - Analysis 78 (3):440-450.
    Whether we perceive high-level properties is presently a source of controversy. A promising test case for whether we do is aesthetic perception. Aesthetic properties are distinct from low-level properties, like shape and colour. Moreover, some of them, e.g. being serene and being handsome, are properties we appear to perceive. Aesthetic perception also shares a similarity with gestalt effects, e.g. seeing-as, in that aesthetic properties, like gestalt phenomena, appear to ‘emerge’ from low-level properties. Gestalts effects, of course, are widely observed, which (...)
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    The Critical Writings of Adrian Stokes.Adrian Stokes - 1978 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 37 (2):243-245.
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    Kierkegaard on Self, Ethics, and Religion: Purity or Despair by Roe Fremstedal (review).Vanessa Rumble - 2024 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 62 (3):513-515.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Kierkegaard on Self, Ethics, and Religion: Purity or Despair by Roe FremstedalVanessa RumbleRoe Fremstedal. Kierkegaard on Self, Ethics, and Religion: Purity or Despair. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2022. Pp. xiv + 280. Hardback, $99.99. Paperback, $32.99.Fremstedal’s impressive synthesis of the anthropological, ethical, and religious dimensions of Kierkegaard’s thought draws on the fruits of his earlier work, Kierkegaard and Kant on Radical Evil and the Highest Good (London: Palgrave (...)
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    Capturing and Retaining Knowledge to Improve Design Group Performance.Seymour Roworth-Stokes - 2010 - Journal of Research Practice 6 (2):Article M14.
    This article explores the management and organisational context for capturing and retaining knowledge transferred through the design process. It is widely acknowledged that our ability to successfully organise and transfer design knowledge is dependant upon the context in which it is situated. However the knowledge generated through the creative process is often viewed from the perspective of the artefact rather the process itself. An understanding of the socially complex knowledge-based resources operating within design groups could enhance competitiveness and organisational development. (...)
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  37. Cognitive Penetrability of Perception.Dustin Stokes - 2013 - Philosophy Compass 8 (7):646-663.
    Perception is typically distinguished from cognition. For example, seeing is importantly different from believing. And while what one sees clearly influences what one thinks, it is debatable whether what one believes and otherwise thinks can influence, in some direct and non-trivial way, what one sees. The latter possible relation is the cognitive penetration of perception. Cognitive penetration, if it occurs, has implications for philosophy of science, epistemology, philosophy of mind, and cognitive science. This paper offers an analysis of the phenomenon, (...)
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  38. On Some Moral Costs of Conspiracy Theorizing.Patrick Stokes - 2018 - In Matthew R. X. Dentith, Taking Conspiracy Theories Seriously. Rowman & Littlefield International. pp. 189-202.
    Stokes’ earlier chapter in this volume argued that, given the role ethical considerations play in our judgments of what to believe, ethical factors will put limits on the extent to which we can embrace particularism about conspiracy theories. However, that will only be the case if there are ethical problems with conspiracy theory as a practice (rather than simply as a formal class of explanation). Utilising the Lakatosian framework for analysing conspiracy theories developed by Steve Clarke, this paper identifies (...)
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  39. (1 other version)Cognitive Penetration and the Perception of Art (Winner of 2012 Dialectica Essay Prize).Dustin Stokes - 2014 - Dialectica 68 (1):1-34.
    There are good, even if inconclusive, reasons to think that cognitive penetration of perception occurs: that cognitive states like belief causally affect, in a relatively direct way, the contents of perceptual experience. The supposed importance of – indeed as it is suggested here, what is definitive of – this possible phenomenon is that it would result in important epistemic and scientific consequences. One interesting and intuitive consequence entirely unremarked in the extant literature concerns the perception of art. Intuition has it (...)
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  40. Perceiving and Desiring: A New Look at the Cognitive Penetrability of Experience.Dustin Stokes - 2012 - Philosophical Studies 158 (3):479-92.
    This paper considers an orectic penetration hypothesis which says that desires and desire-like states may influence perceptual experience in a non-externally mediated way. This hypothesis is clarified with a definition, which serves further to distinguish the interesting target phenomenon from trivial and non-genuine instances of desire-influenced perception. Orectic penetration is an interesting possible case of the cognitive penetrability of perceptual experience. The orectic penetration hypothesis is thus incompatible with the more common thesis that perception is cognitively impenetrable. It is of (...)
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  41. Science deniers reject authority and facts.Patrick Stokes - 2016 - Australian Humanist, The 121:16.
    Stokes, Patrick Many people who choose to ignore accepted scientific conclusions are making emotional rather than rational decisions.
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    A Tale of Two Reds.Dena Shottenkirk - 2021 - Erkenntnis 88 (1):289-307.
    The question regarding how to characterize aesthetics has been revived with the publication of Bence Nanay’s _Aesthetics as Philosophy of Perception_. This paper takes seriously Dustin Stokes’ criticisms of Nanay’s book regarding Nanay’s inability to distinguish between ordinary expert visual tasks (e.g., sorting for sock color or ornithology) and aesthetic experience. Using empirical research on gist perception and its reliance on low-level features in visual experience, I develop a theory that distinguishes expert visual tasks and aesthetic experiences by differentiating (...)
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  43. The Normative Turn in Conspiracy Theory Theory?Patrick Stokes - 2023 - Social Epistemology 37 (4):535-543.
    The papers contained in this special issue are evidence that the philosophy of conspiracy theory is undergoing a ‘normative turn’, with earlier concerns about the epistemological soundness of conspiracy theories now being supplemented by a shift to concerns about discursive and epistemic justice. This is a welcome development. Nonetheless, these normative concerns need to be seen within the context of an ongoing and largely undeclared disagreement between generalists and particularists over just how conspired the world really is.
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    Human Rights and Bioethical Considerations of Global Nurse Migration.Felicia Stokes & Renata Iskander - 2021 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 18 (3):429-439.
    There is a global shortage of nurses that affects healthcare delivery, which will be exacerbated with the increasing demand for healthcare professionals by the aging population. The growing shortage requires an ethical exploration on the issue of nurse migration. In this article, we discuss how migration respects the autonomy of nurses, increases cultural diversity, and leads to improved patient satisfaction and health outcomes. We also discuss the potential for negative impacts on public health infrastructures, lack of respect for cultural diversity, (...)
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  45. On perceptual expertise.Dustin Stokes - 2020 - Mind and Language 36 (2):241-263.
    Expertise is a cognitive achievement that clearly involves experience and learning, and often requires explicit, time-consuming training specific to the relevant domain. It is also intuitive that this kind of achievement is, in a rich sense, genuinely perceptual. Many experts—be they radiologists, bird watchers, or fingerprint examiners—are better perceivers in the domain(s) of their expertise. The goal of this paper is to motivate three related claims, by substantial appeal to recent empirical research on perceptual expertise: Perceptual expertise is genuinely perceptual (...)
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  46. The role of imagination in creativity.Dustin Stokes - 2014 - In Elliot Samuel Paul & Scott Barry Kaufman, The Philosophy of Creativity. New York: Oxford University Press.
  47.  18
    Philosophy: 100 Essential Thinkers.Philip Stokes - 2002 - New York: Enchanted Lion.
    The Great Philosophers, From Thales of Miletus (ca. 620-540 b.c.), "The first natural scientist and analytical philosopher in Western intellectual history," to W.V.O. Quine (1908-2000): "Only science can tell us the truth about the world" Philosophy is a thorough and accessible introduction to the Western intellectual tradition, covering philosophical, scientific, and religious thought over a period of 2,500 years. Offering brief summaries of the work of Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle, as well as Copernicus, Machiavelli, Galileo, Spinoza, Voltaire, Adam Smith, Mary (...)
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    Review Article: Law and Medical Practice: Rights, Duties, Claims and Defences [Book Review].Anna Stokes - 1998 - Chisholm Health Ethics Bulletin 4 (1):7.
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    The thread of Ariadne.Adrian Stokes - 1925 - New York,: K. Paul, Trench, Trubner.
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  50. Thinking and Perceiving: On the malleability of the mind.Dustin Stokes - 2021 - London: Routledge.
    [File is the introduction to the monograph] -/- Abstract to monograph -/- How and whether thinking affects perceiving is a deeply important question. Of course it is of scientific interest: to understand the human mind is to understand how we best distinguish its processes, how those processes interact, and what this implies for how and what we may know about the world. And so in the philosopher’s terms, this book is one on both mental architecture and the epistemology of perception. (...)
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